Image Manipulation Utility
This utility allows the user to apply various effects to a JPG / JPEG image and then optionally save the resultant image. One way to create JPG / JPEG images is when taking pictures with your smartphone. Operation of the utility is as follows:
Operation - This Page
The 'Email' / 'Verify Email' fields are optional, but MUST be correctly filled in if you wish to save the modified image. The resultant image will be emailed to you.
The 'File' / 'Select File' field will invoke the standard 'file picker'. After selecting an image, both an image preview and the 'Go' button will appear.
The 'Go' button transfers you to the effect application page.
Operation - Effect Application Page.
The Effect Application Page presents a list of available transforms on the left, and the current image on the right. Depending on the transformation, transforms can be applied by selecting the button beside the effect name, or simply filling in parameters in the input boxes. Hovering over the name of the transformation (indicated by a dotted underline) will bring up more information about the specific transformation. At the bottom of the transform list, there are 2 buttons which appear when applicable:
The 'Save Image' button appears when an email address has been supplied. Clicking this button will cause the currently displayed image to be emailed to the supplied address.
The 'Revert' button appears when an image effect has been applied to the current image. Clicking this button will 'undo' the last image transformation. The 'Revert' button disappears when there are no more effects to be removed.
Additional Information
This utility supports the full suite of PHP imagefilter functions. There is very little documentation regarding the operation of some of these functions, but additional information can be found here. I wish to thank the people at PHP.NET for providing the documentation and tools required to make this utility possible.